
Our Sponsors in Providing Top-Notch Weapon Systems Education

Weapon Systems Training Council Sponsors and Affiliates

These fine organizations make what we do possible. Please show your support to these amazing affiliates and thank them for their commitment to our organization. Interested in supporting WSTC? Click here to learn more about affiliate opportunities

Rock River Arms

Rock River Arms

Rock River Arms remains committed to continuing to provide its civilian, law enforcement and military customers with the kind of custom products and services on which its reputation has been built.

Stag Arms

Stag Arms

Great rifles are made in America; the best rifles are made here.

M&A Parts

M&A Parts

Your One Stop Shopping Place for all AR Parts, Barrels and Accessories.

Adams Arms

THE ADAMS ARMS DIFFERENCEWe believe that the Adams Arms Piston System will provide superior performance and have lower maintenance costs than anything available on the market today. Additionally, the Retro-fit System offered by Adams Arms will save Law Enforcement, Military and Private Citizens thousands of dollars by offering a simple upgrade option, instead of the high cost of replacing their current weapons.

Present Arms

Present Arms




Public Agency Training Council started in 1987 to provide quality training, at an affordable cost in geographic areas to limit travel expense and maximize training funds.



For Law Enforcement Conferences and Membership